Too many adults are limited by pain and being told that it’s ‘part of getting older’
They’re living with pain that makes it hard to truly enjoy their favorite activities and time with family and friends. And many are frustrated because they’ve invested so much time and money on therapies that were supposed to solve the problem but in reality only provided temporary relief. If this sounds like you, then you’re in the right place.
Solving Pain With Strength
The traditional approach to treating pain is NOT working. More than ever people are being forced to rely on pills, injections, surgery, or endless doctor visits just to get through their day. We don’t need more therapies - we need a new approach. Our educational, strength based approach to medicine empowers you to keep out of pain, get back to your favorite activities, and feel confident in your body’s ability to do what you love - regardless of age.
Imagine How Great It Would Feel:
To feel strong and confident in your body - regardless of age.
To not have pain determine what you can, or cannot, do.
To wake up each morning feeling rested and refreshed.
To get more joy and fulfillment from your favorite activities.
To never miss out on outings and adventures with family and friends.
It’s all possible. To be 100% certain we’re the best clinic for you, click the link below…
For Those Tired Of Being Limited By Their Pain…
Dr. Carl Baird is a licensed chiropractor with a passion for helping adults feel strong and confident in their ability to do what they love.
Our Performance Therapy Programs will transform the way you feel by providing:
The all-star team all working together toward your specific goal
The expert plan so you know exactly what you need to be doing
The accountability to make sure you show up for yourself
The fun, positivity, and motivation for you to keep consistent
Click Play To Learn More About How Evolve Can Help You
Dr. Baird Wrote The Book On How To Keep Active - Regardless of Age
The traditional approach to managing pain and keeping active is NOT working. Grab a copy of Dr. Baird’s book “Life Without Limitations: A Complete Guide to Overcoming Pain, Moving With Confidence And Maintaining Your Active Lifestyle - Regardless of Age” to learn why other therapies only bring temporary relief and what you can to keep active, strong and doing what you love.
Voted a Top Clinic in Oregon Three Years In a Row
Honored that our patients voted us as a top two clinic in Willamette Week’s
‘Best Of’ Readers Poll of 2018, 2019 and 2020.