The Best Ways to Win the Mental Game During the COVID-19 Crisis

The current pandemic is all a mental game. After taking some time off and observing how my friends, family, and other businesses are handling the crisis, I'm convinced of one thing. 

The people who will come out of this whole ordeal the best are the ones best equipped to handle the mental game that this pandemic can play on you.

Which is why in this weeks article we wanted to cover the best things you can do to win the mental game and come out stronger, healthier, and better equipped for the post COVID-19 world.

1) Limiting How Much you check ‘the News’

Fear is the number one thing we need to be combating right now. Fear paralyzes us. It keeps us from making good decisions. And unfortunately the news spreads fear (no especially, but even before all this went down) . Watching the news will convince you that everything is terrible, the world is one fire, and the economy is going to collapse. It consistently points fingers at anybody and everybody without providing any sort of real solutions. In short: The news puts you in a bad head space.

2) Limiting Social Media

Social Media can be a blessing and a curse. A great way to stay connected with friends and also a great way to bring out any insecurities. Whether it’s getting upset at some crazy post your high school friend who you haven’t seen in 20 years posted or feeling dejected because you aren’t ‘crushing it’ like all of your inspirational feeds say you should be, social media can be a cause of mental anguish that is completely avoidable.

Social media should be something that adds value to your. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed or feeling insecure - take a break and focus on something constructive or fun.

3) Get Moving/ExercisinG

To reach your peak mental state, your peak physical state has to come first.  Think about it...can you really be in the best head space if you've spent the last four hours on the couch watching Netflix? Can you really be thinking at your highest level if you're being distracted by nagging back pain? You can't. And that's a fact. Which is why taking care of your physical state is one of the most important things you should be doing right now.

Ask yourself, when was the last time you went for a walk, went for a run, did an exercise routine and regretted it? I bet you can't think of it. Because every time we finish an exercise routine we feel accomplished, we feel more energized, we feel better about the world around us.

Exercise is the easiest way to completely improve your mindset in the span of 20 minutes.

With that being said, we understand that it is sometimes hard to get that energy to get started, especially when we're going at it alone. Which is why we're here to help. We're here to help transfer our energy to you. To help you improve your physical state for a better mental state during this weird time in history. 

Whatever it is you need to get started - we've got your back. It could be creating a specific plans and routine so you know exactly what you should be doing at home. It could be weekly check-ins to maintain routine, provide motivation and accountability. It could just be a one time kick in the ass to get you going (I know I've needed that before 😂).

If you are not feeling the best and waiting some help, schedule a Free, At-Home Discovery visits with one of our doctors to see how we can best help.

Evolve Performance Healthcare specializes in helping adults aged 40+ stay active and strong so they can do what they love and stay out of the doctors office.

If you have questions about how we can help - please select the option that works best for you.