Posts in Shoulder Pain
Three Causes of Shoulder Pain Your Doctor, Physical Therapist, and Chiropractor May Have Missed

If you’ve seen your doctor for shoulder pain they most likely only offered rest, pills, injections, or surgeries. All can help with symptoms without treating root causes. Traditional physical therapy will often only focus on healing and strengthening the injured muscle - ignoring other contributing factors and almost guaranteeing that the pain comes back when you get back to your normal activities.

What if I was to tell you there may be something causing your shoulder pain that your doctor hasn’t told you about?

In this weeks article we’ll be looking at three causes of shoulder pain that are commonly overlooked by your doctor, physical therapist, and chiropractor and will explain while your shoulder pain just won’t go away.

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The Best Ways To Overcome Shoulder Pain and Avoid Expensive and Debilitating Surgery

One of the primary concerns for people with shoulder pain is that they will one day need shoulder surgery. Which is not only an expensive treatment but also debilitating that can lead to lots of days of missed work and a lengthy recovery. Even worse - many people with shoulder pain have been convinced by their family, friends, and a lot of time their doctors - that surgery is the best option. The result is that they rush into an expensive surgery only to find that the problems that led to their shoulder pain resurface after the surgery and the problem isn’t actually fixed!

In this weeks article we discuss three things that NEED to be done in order to overcome shoulder pain and avoid shoulder surgery.

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Treating Shoulder Pain - The Most Important Muscle To Strengthen

Imbalance in muscle strength and function alter movement patterns which contributes to pain and injury. The deltoid is a large muscle made up of three distinct fibers, one that often gets left out of most training plans. In this weeks article, learn what you can do to strengthen the posterior aspect of your deltoid.

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